You Make Your Own Luck

We all know there are so many things beyond our control that can completely mess up our lives in a heartbeat. You worked hard in a company for a decade, bought a lovely house for your family and yourself, and you’re enjoying a reliable, stable lifestyle you can count on?

Not necessarily. Your country’s lousy economy can cost you your job and everything you have, even if you’re doing a great job. It’s not your fault. It’s not your boss’s fault. It just happened.

You’re doing a wonderful job, and earning one promotion after another, doing overtime and giving your undivided attention to every task at hand? Your boss or your superior may find that intimidating, and off you go. In spite of your hard work. In spite of your loyalty and commitment.

There are always going to be circumstances and individuals that can influence your life and your circumstances a great deal, and are completely beyond your control. You are never really safe, and knowing this is truly overwhelming and difficult for anyone to understand or face up to.

However, you need to understand that, there are indeed ways you can minimize the damage anyone can cause you, and make the best of your situation. I will give you some tips that proved extremely effective, and can most certainly help you become successful and then stay that way.


  • Build up a growth-oriented mindset. If you keep notice of your success, shortcomings and your progress at all times, it’s easy to learn how to identify, and then work on you mistakes. Of you manage to do this, you will always be one step ahead of yourself, and you’ll be able to foresee some strange behavior or circumstances you would probably have missed otherwise. These slight but menacing changes can help you identify your own problems, but also the way your company, your superior or the people around you might act in the future. Remember that you need to keep a close eye on your progress, as well as the events unfolding around you.


  • Stay committed, no matter what. The trust is, most people are quitters. In fact, the only way we even keep doing something for a long time is by getting used to it, and dwelling in the comfort of an automatized, habit-driven routine. If you plan to keep growing and getting better and better at what you do, you won’t have this to look forward to. And yet, you’re going to have to stay focused and devoted, you’re going to need some discipline, and a lot of creativity. Yep, if you plan to stay committed in this long-term relationship with your goals and plans, you need to make it interesting and fun. Invent new approaches, and just play around with different possibilities. There’s no need to glorify martyrdom as you’re being bored to death, and still staying on course in spite of it. Stay on the right track because of your small, simple tasks, not in spite of them.

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